Apex Trampoline Mats
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Ph 09 410 4400

© 2004-2023
Apex Trampoline Mats Ltd
Site by Dash Design


Safety Tips


Trampolines can provide endless hours of fun and exercise for children (and a great aerobic workout!). To promote safety, some common-sense rules should be followed:

  • An option now is an in-ground trampoline. These trampolines eliminate any height to fall from. Click here for information on in-ground trampolines.
  • Have a good-sized trampoline; children and adults need room to bounce! A frame size of 3.8m x 2.5m is an excellent family-size tramp.
  • Safety pads are essential. We strongly recommend them.
  • One child at a time. We realise this can be hard to enforce, but do try.
  • Take extra care if a toddler is on the tramp with an older child or adult. When the heavier person bounces, the recoil will cause the lighter toddler to bounce too high, risking a fall.
  • Never allow a child under a trampoline. Another person may jump on the tramp without realising, and could seriously hurt the child underneath. Take a look at your tramp some time when a heavier person is bouncing - you will see just how far down the mat depresses.
  • Never allow hard toys or sticks on the trampoline.
  • We don't recommend ladders - if a child is too small to get on the trampoline unaided, they should only be allowed to use it under adult supervision.
  • Join a club. Clubs teach proper technique and good safety guidelines. There are many clubs throughout New Zealand. Children often learn by example, and can easily pick up bad habits - through a club, they will learn the right way. And with trampolining now an Olympic sport, who knows where their hobby could lead!



   |    Ph 09 410 4400    |    info@apextrampolines.co.nz

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